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Remember that each new activity in your project requires an AHA  that must be previously approved:

1.- Send an email to your subcontractor asking for the AHA, it is important to give the subcontractors the necessary time to prepare the AHA, some subcontractors did not do this before, so you must request the AHA 10 days in advance and you must be sure have the AHA approved at least 3 days in advance of the preparatory meeting, which is the same day that the subcontractor will start activities in your project, or start a new activity. USE THE FORMAT YOU WILL FIND BELOW TO SEND THE EMAIL.




2.- Send the instructions for the correct filling of the AHA, you will find them ready to be downloaded on this page.


3.- Send the Template in excel, which is blank and is easier to modify. You will find the Template on this same page ready to be downloaded and sent to your subcontractors.


If you follow all these steps, there will be no need to stop or delay any work due to lack of documentation in the project.




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